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NOTICE OF REVOCATION AND RESTITUTION Case No. 98-12-GA Arthur Borja, P-45771, Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Attorney Discipline Board Kent County Hearing Panel #3.

1) Revocation; 2) Effective December 6, 2007. The first complainant paid respondent $400 to represent her on charges of Operating Under the Influence of Liquor and Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level; the second complainant paid respondent $500 to represent her in a bankruptcy matter; and the third complainant paid respondent $1,450 to represent him in an immigration matter, plus an additional $500 to file an application for asylum. The panel found, by default, that respondent neglected and abandoned all three matters; failed to release the client files and refund the unearned fees, upon his suspension from the practice of law; failed to answer the Requests for Investigation; and failed to provide the complainants with written notice of his April 30, 1997 suspension from the practice of law.1. Respondent also failed to answer the Formal Complaint and failed to appear at the disciplinary hearing.

Respondent's conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.103(C); MCR 9.104(1)-(4), (7) and (9); MCR 9.113(A) and (B)(2); MCR 9.119(A)-(C) and (E); MCL 600.916; MSA 27A.916; and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1(c); 1.2(a); 1.3; 1.4; 1.5(a); 1.16(d); 3.4(c); 5.5(a); 8.1(b); and 8.4(a)-(c).

The panel ordered that respondent's license to practice law be revoked for the fourth time commencing December 6, 2007, to run consecutive to the Order of Revocation and Restitution entered in Case Nos. 97-243-GA; 97-271-FA; that he make restitution to the complainants in the total amount of $2,850 plus interest; and that he return all of the complainants' client files. Costs were assessed in the amount of $300.92. 1. Respondent has been continuously suspended from the practice of law in Michigan since April 30, 1997.

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