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NOTICE OF REVOCATION Case No. 05-11-GA; 05-15-GA Notice Issued: November 22, 2006 William D. Hunter, P 30911, Detroit, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board Tri-County Hearing Panel #65.




Effective November 17, 2005 1

The hearing panel found that respondent, in a wrongful death matter, failed to hold property of his client or third persons in his possession separate from his own property; failed to notify all persons who had an interest in the funds he held; and applied a $16,000.00 payment toward his attorney fees without prior approval of the court. In a drug case, respondent abandoned the representation; failed to deliver to his client any unearned fees at the conclusion of the representation; failed to refrain from making false statements under oath; and failed to cooperate in the investigation of a request for investigation. In a separate criminal matter, respondent failed to refund any unearned portion of the fee upon his discharge or withdrawal. In a second drug case, respondent abandoned the representation without notice to his client; failed to hold all funds paid to him for services to be rendered in an IOLTA account; failed to hold all funds in dispute in a separate account; and failed to refund any advance payment that had not been earned at the termination of the representation. In a criminal appeal, respondent failed to protect and maintain any funds which were provided by his client for a specific purpose; failed to maintain fees paid to him for future services in an IOLTA account; failed to provide his client with competent representation; failed to represent his client diligently and expeditiously; failed to further his client=s objectives through reasonable means permitted by law; and failed to respond to reasonable requests for information from his client as to the status of his matter.

Respondent=s conduct was in violation of MCR 9.104(A)(1)-(4); and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1(c); 1.2(a); 1.3; 1.4(a) and (b); 1.5(a); 1.15(a)-(b) and (d); 1.16(d); 8.1(a)(1); and 8.4(a)-(c). The hearing panel ordered that respondent=s license be revoked and assessed costs in the amount of $5,070.27.

1 Respondent has been continuously suspended from the practice of law in Michigan since June 1, 2003. Please see Notice of Suspension and Restitution, dated February 26, 2003.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.