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FINAL NOTICE OF SUSPENSION Case No. 05-35-GA Notice Issued: November 7, 2006 Jeffrey A. Dulany, P 26768, Monroe, Michigan by the Attorney Discipline Board increasing Washtenaw County Hearing Panel #1's order of discipline from a 30 day suspension to a 180 day suspension.

1. Suspension - 180 Days 2. Effective October 28, 2006 The hearing panel found that respondent, while employed by a law firm, improperly cashed a $1, 000.00 check made out to him by a client of the firm and, without notice to the firm, deposited those funds in his own account. Respondent=s conduct was in violation of MCR 9.104(A)(2) and (3); and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.15(a) and (c); and 8.4(b). The panel ordered that respondent=s license to practice in Michigan be suspended for 30 days.

The Grievance Administrator filed a timely petition for review and respondent filed a cross-petition for review but with no request for a stay of discipline. On September 29, 2006, the Attorney Discipline Board issued its order and opinion increasing discipline from a 30 day suspension to a 180 day suspension.

In the absence of a stay of discipline, respondent=s license was suspended from January 20, 2006 to February 21, 2006. In its order increasing discipline, the Board ordered that respondent should be given credit for 32 days and that the remaining 148 days of the suspension period shall commence October 28, 2006 and run until respondent=s reinstatement in accordance with MCR 9.123(B) and MCR 9.124. Total costs were assessed in the amount of $3,069.92.

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