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NOTICE OF INCREASED SUSPENSION Case No. 05-109-MZ (Ref: 04-51-GA) Notice Issued: February 9, 2006 William F. Carson, P 30900, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board Tri-County Hearing Panel #81.

1. Suspension - 300 Days 2. Effective March 10, 2005 The Grievance Administrator filed a petition on September 1, 2005 seeking entry of an order increasing discipline for respondent's failure to comply with the hearing panel's order of February 16, 2005. The respondent did not file an answer to the petition but he did appear at the show cause hearing held on November 8, 2005. The hearing panel, after reviewing the Grievance Administrator=s petition and exhibits, and after hearing argument from the respondent and the Grievance Administrator, concluded that respondent had failed to comply with its previous order and MCR 9.119.

The hearing panel ordered that the 180 day suspension imposed in Grievance Administrator v William F. Carson, Case No. 04-51-GA, be increased to a 300 day suspension. The panel further ordered that all conditions in its prior order remain in force with the exception of the counseling provision which now allows for an alternative counselor. Costs were assessed in the amount of $1,694.16.

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