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FINAL NOTICE OF SUSPENSION AND RESTITUTION Case No. 00-107-GA Notice Issued: May 30, 2006 William D. Hunter, P 30911, Detroit, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board, modifying in part and affirming in part, Tri-County Hearing Panel #24's order of suspension and restitution.

1. Suspension - 18 Months 2. Effective September 1, 2004 1 The hearing panel found that respondent failed to refund an unearned portion of attorney fees in violation of Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.16(d) and 8.4(a). The hearing panel ordered that respondent=s license be suspended for three years and that he pay restitution in the amount of $50,000.00.

The Grievance Administrator and respondent filed petitions for review. The Board determined that additional testimony was needed and, pursuant to MCR 9.118(C)(2), the Board appointed a Master to submit a supplemental report on the issue of the amount of restitution owed by respondent, if any. On April 24, 2006, the Board issued an order affirming the hearing panel=s findings and conclusions regarding misconduct and the amount of restitution, but reducing the three year suspension to an 18 month suspension. The Board also adopted the Master=s supplemental report which recommended that restitution in the amount of $50,000.00, as ordered by the hearing panel, was appropriate. Total costs were assessed in the amount of $5,484.34.

1 Respondent has been continuously suspended from the practice of law in Michigan since June 1, 2003. Please see Notice of Suspension and Restitution, dated February 26, 2003.

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