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NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF PROBATION Case No. 04-125-MZ Notice Issued: November 24, 2004 Catherine Appel, P 59598, Grand Rapids, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board Kent County Hearing Panel #2.

1. Probation Continuation 2. Effective March 11, 2004 to April 6, 2006. On February 9, 2004, the hearing panel ordered that respondent be placed on probation for eight months, to run consecutively to the one year probation ordered in Grievance Administrator v Catherine Appel, Case No. 03-53-GA. The panel further ordered that the respondent shall continue to be subject to the contractual agreement she entered into with the Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program (ALJAP@) and ordered the LJAP to report any violations by respondent to the Grievance Administrator.

On September 22, 2004, the Grievance Administrator filed a petition for order to show cause why discipline should not be increased due to respondent=s failure to maintain abstinence on two occasions during her term of probation. The parties filed a stipulation to extend respondent=s probation, concurrent with the extension of her monitoring contract with the LJAP, scheduled to end April 6, 2006. No costs were assessed in this matter.

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