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DISMISSAL Case No. 03-98-MZ Kurt D. Sanborn, P 40024, Brooklyn, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board Ingham County Hearing Panel #3.

1. Dismissal 2. Effective January 8, 2004 The Grievance Administrator filed an order to show cause alleging that respondent failed to comply with the Order of Suspension and Restitution (By Consent), entered February 3, 2000, in Grievance Administrator v Kurt D. Sanborn, Case Nos. 99-64-GA; 99-122-GA. Specifically, that respondent had failed to pay restitution and failed to file an affidavit of compliance pursuant to MCR 9.119.

A public hearing was held on October 22, 2003 and the respondent tendered an affidavit of compliance under MCR 9.119(C), dated October 20, 2003. Respondent also provided proof of payment of restitution, but not in the amounts ordered by the hearing panel. The hearing panel found that while respondent had not paid the full amount of restitution ordered, he was not in violation of that order because it did not contain a deadline for payment of the restitution.

The hearing panel denied the Grievance Administrator=s request to increase discipline and ordered that any motion filed by either party to modify the February 3, 2000 order will be considered by Ingham County Hearing Panel #3. No costs were assessed.

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