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FINAL NOTICE OF SUSPENSION Case No. 01-94-GA Notice Issued: November 26, 2003 David H. Raaflaub, P 29975, Ann Arbor, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board vacating the Washtenaw County Hearing Panel #1's order of a 180 day suspension.

1. Suspension - 1 Year 2. Effective August 26, 2003 The hearing panel affirmed the findings of a master appointed by the Attorney Discipline Board that, in a motion filed with the Michigan Court of Appeals in a criminal matter, the respondent made false accusations that an assistant prosecutor and a circuit court judge engaged in improper and/or illegal conduct during the course of a criminal trial, and that respondent made those accusations with reckless disregard as to their truth or falsity. The respondent=s conduct was deemed to be in violation of Michigan Rule of Professional Conduct 8.2(a) and, following a separate hearing on discipline, the hearing panel imposed a suspension of 180 days.

The respondent petitioned for review and requested a stay of discipline which was granted by the Attorney Discipline Board. On June 16, 2003, the Board issued an order vacating the hearing panel=s order and increasing the discipline from a suspension of 180 days to a suspension of one year. The Board subsequently denied the respondent=s motion for reconsideration and ordered that the stay of discipline should remain in effect until August 26, 2003.

The respondent=s application for leave to appeal was denied by the Michigan Supreme Court on October 30, 2003. Costs were assessed in the amount of $2,930.62.

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