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NOTICE OF RECIPROCAL SUSPENSION Case No. 03-74-RD Notice Issued: March 26, 2004 Charles St. George Kirkland, P-56523, Phoenix, Arizona, by the Attorney Discipline Board Tri-County Hearing Panel #78.

1. Suspension - 4 Years 2. Effective March 20, 2003 On March 20, 2003, the Supreme Court of Arizona entered an order suspending the respondent=s license to practice law in Arizona for a period of four years based upon consent discipline proceedings during which respondent admitted that he submitted false pleadings in order to obtain excess proceeds from foreclosure sales; that he failed to take remedial action after it became known to him that the pleadings filed were false; and that as a result of his failure to take remedial action, the legal proceedings were adversely affected.

Reciprocal discipline proceedings were instituted in Michigan under MCR 9.104(B). The hearing panel was not persuaded by the respondent that he was denied due process in the Arizona proceedings. The panel further found that imposition of identical discipline in Michigan would not be clearly inappropriate. The panel ordered that respondent be suspended from the practice of law in Michigan for four years, to run concurrently with the period of suspension imposed in Arizona. Costs were assessed in the amount of $1,766.07.

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