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NOTICE OF REVOCATION WITH CONDITION Case No. 02-135-GA Notice Issued: January 30, 2003 Darryl L. Orr, P-26481,Saginaw, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board Genesee County Hearing Panel #2.

1. Revocation; 2. Effective January 30, 2003. 1 The hearing panel found, by default, that respondent, in a previous discipline matter, failed to file the necessary affidavits to be reinstated; failed to comply with other conditions imposed upon attorneys who have been suspended; and continued to practice law. In addition, respondent signed a pleading affixing the initials of another attorney who had not consented to such act and who was without knowledge of such act.

Respondent=s conduct was in violation of MCR 9.104(A)(1)-(5); MCR 9.119(A)-(E); and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 3.3(a)(1) and (4); 3.4(b); 5.5(a); and 8.4(a)-(c). The panel issued an order revoking respondent's license to practice law in Michigan with a condition relative to the established misconduct. Costs were assessed in the amount of $1,714.83.

1 Respondent has been continuously suspended from the practice of law since September 12, 2001. Please see Notice of Suspension dated September 25, 2001.

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