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NOTICE OF MODIFICATION OF DISCIPLINE ORDER Case No. 96-269-GA Notice Issued: March 6, 2002 Robert H. Golden, P-14108, Lathrup Village, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board modifying its order of May 14, 1999.

1. Modification of Order of Suspension; 2. Effective October 10, 2001. In an order and opinion issued May 4, 1999, the Attorney Discipline Board affirmed the hearing panel's findings that respondent's conduct toward opposing counsel at a deposition violated MCR 9.104(1)-(4) and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 6.5(a) and 8.4(a) and (c). The Board reduced the discipline imposed by the hearing panel from a 180 day suspension to a 60 day suspension. 1 (See Notice of Suspension issued June 14, 1999).

On remand, the Board was directed by the Supreme Court to reconsider the level of discipline in light of the American Bar Association's Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions. Grievance Administrator v Golden, 463 Mich 1211; 618 NW2d 591 (2000). In an order and opinion issued September 18, 2001, the Board affirmed its earlier decision to suspend the respondent for 60 days but modified its order of May 14, 1999 by imposing further conditions relevant to the established misconduct. Additional costs were assessed in the amount of $108.93. The Supreme Court denied the Grievance Administrator's application for leave to appeal in an order entered March 4, 2002.

1 Respondent's 60 day suspension was deemed effective June 5, 1999. His license was automatically reinstated effective August 5, 1999.

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