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NOTICE OF REPRIMAND Case No. 00-47-GA Issued: October 23, 2000 Robert L. Harley, Jr., P-30166, Rockford, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board Kent County Hearing Panel #5.

1. 2.

Reprimand. Effective October 21, 2000.

The hearing panel accepted respondent=s plea of Ano contest@ to Formal Complaint 00-47-GA and accordingly found that respondent had committed misconduct, specifically: In a probate matter, respondent failed to publish notice of the administration of the estate; failed to prepare an inventory; failed to promptly obtain replacements of uncashed annuity checks; failed to take prompt action to resolve a land contract issue; failed to keep his client reasonably informed regarding the status of the probate matter or to respond to his numerous telephone messages; failed to enter into a written fee agreement with his client; failed to provide notice to the interested parties of a fee agreement; accepted payment for his services without prior court approval, notice to the interested parties or having entered into a written fee agreement; and failed to provide his client with an adequate written itemization of the services rendered and the actual time spent by respondent in providing such services. Respondent=s conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1)-(4); and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1(a)-(c); 1.2(a); 1.3; 1.4(a); 1.5(a); 3.4(c) and 8.4(a)-(c).

The hearing panel ordered that respondent be reprimanded with a condition relevant to the established misconduct. Costs were assessed in the amount of $465.79.

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