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Thomas K. Ziegler, P-32340, West Bloomfield, MI, by the Attorney Discipline Board increasing the 60 day suspension imposed by Tri-County Hearing Panel #54.

1) Suspension - 179 Days [Less 77 days served] 1 ; 2) Effective December 21, 1999. The hearing panel ordered a 60 day suspension based upon its findings that respondent billed a client attorney fees and costs for services that were not actually performed; failed to properly supervise a non-lawyer employee in the preparation of billings to the client; failed to review the billings to ensure their accuracy and allowed billings to the client for clearly excessive fees, all in violation of MCR 9.104(2) and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.5; 5.3(b) and 8.4(a) and (b).

The Grievance Administrator petitioned for review. On January 15, 1999, the Board entered an order and opinion increasing discipline to a suspension of 179 days (two Board members dissenting, would have increased discipline to a suspension of 180 days). The Grievance Administrator=s application for leave to appeal was denied by the Michigan Supreme Court in an order entered November 30, 1999. Total costs were assessed in the amount of $5,237.09.

1 NOTE: Respondent did not seek a stay of discipline during the review proceedings before the Board. Respondent=s license was suspended effective April 29, 1998 and was automatically reinstated July 15, 1998 upon respondent=s compliance with MCR 9.123(A). (See Notice of Suspension, dated April 29, 1998 and Notice of Automatic Reinstatement, dated July 24, 1998). The Board=s order increasing discipline to a suspension of 179 days directed that respondent be given credit for the 77 days already served.

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