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NOTICE OF REVOCATION AND RESTITUTION Case No. 99-44-GA; 99-66-FA Marguerite F. Walker, II, P-28773, Royal Oak, Michigan. 1) Revocation; 2) Effective July 31, 1999.1 Respondent failed to answer the formal complaint and failed to appear at the Disciplinary Hearing. The Hearing Panel found, by default, the Respondent failed to honor client's written request for the return of the client's file and the client's original insurance policies; the Respondent failed to honor the request of a separate client to return original documents entrusted to her care; the Respondent failed to answer three unrelated requests for investigation; and the Respondent failed to answer a formal complaint.

Respondent's conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.103(C); MCR 9.104(1)-(4) and (7); MCR 9.113(A) and (B)(2); and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 1.15(a) and (b); 1.16(d); 8.1(b) and 8.4(a) and (c).

The Hearing Panel noted a pattern of misconduct over a 17 year period including two reprimands, a suspension of 30 days and a suspension of 180 days effective March 7, 1998. The Panel ordered the Respondent's license to practice law in Michigan be revoked with the additional condition the Respondent return the files and documents entrusted to her by the Complainants on or before September 3, 1999. Costs were assessed in the amount of $192.13.

1 Respondent has been continuously suspended from the practice of law in Michigan since March 7, 1998.

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