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Case No. 95-260-GA Fredericia Craig, P-47936, Clinton Township, Michigan, by Attorney Discipline Board Tri-County Hearing Panel #16.

1) Suspension - 180 days; 2) Effective September 4, 1996. In April 1995, respondent ceased employment at a law firm. She pled no contest to allegations that in May 1995, she created a fraudulent letter for submission to an apartment complex as proof of employment in connection with her lease application; submitted the letter to the complex; without the knowledge or consent of the firm, the letter was prepared on the firm's stationery with the firm's telephone number deleted from the letterhead; the letter was purportedly written by an individual held out as a member of law firm with management authority; however, no such individual was employed with the firm; the letter falsely stated that she continued to maintain her employment at the firm; the letter falsely set forth that she "currently practices at our Macomb office . . ."; however, the firm does not maintain an office at that location; included with the letter and lease application false documentation of her earnings from the firm for three pay periods; and failed to advise representatives of the complex that the letter and wage documentation were fraudulent.

Respondent's conduct was alleged to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1)-(4) and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 8.4(a)- (c).

Costs were assessed in the amount of $84.00

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