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NOTICE OF SUSPENSION Case No. 94-205-JC Alvin R. Lenoir, P-46589, Detroit, Michigan, by Attorney Discipline Board Tri-County Hearing Panel #7.

1) Suspension - 180 days; 2) Effective March 30, 1995. Respondent was convicted of Theft of Government Property Under $100.00 in violation of 18 USC 641, a misdemeanor, in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Michigan. Respondent pled guilty to the offense, and sentence was imposed on August 16, 1994 placing him on probation for a term of two years and ordering him to make restitution to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $3,832.87.

Upon the filing of the Judgment of Conviction, the Attorney Discipline Board ordered respondent to show cause why a final order of discipline should not be entered. Following show cause proceedings held in accordance with MCR 9.120(B)(3), the panel ordered that respondent be suspended from the practice of law in Michigan for period of 180 days and until compliance with MCR 9.123(B) and MCR 9.124.

Costs were assessed in the amount of $135.06.

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