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NOTICE OF REVOCATION Case No. 94-110-GA Jose C. Zurita, P-29098, Charlotte, Michigan, by Attorney Discipline Board Genesee County Hearing Panel #5.

1) Revocation; 2) Effective December 6, 1994. Respondent failed to answer the Formal Complaint and failed to appear at the hearing held in Flint on August 19, 1994. Respondent's default was entered, and the panel determined that the default established the allegations of the Formal Complaint.

Respondent and his wife controlled Golden R Racing Stables, Inc., and served as the principal officers and directors for the corporation. In 1989, respondent offered to sell 500 shares of corporation stock to an individual. They entered into a written stock purchase agreement. The panel found, by default, that respondent made false statements regarding the ownership of real estate by the corporation; made false statements regarding the financial condition of the corporation; failed to comply with the Michigan Uniform Securities Act; misrepresented facts and financial information to the purchaser; and later abandoned the corporation without rendering an accounting of the purchaser's investment.

In 1990, the same individual entered into a joint venture and/or partnership with respondent for the purchase of thoroughbred race horses. The panel found, by default, that respondent misrepresented the breeding lines of the horses; and misrepresented his knowledge and expertise in the care of horses and his intended obligations to the horses.

Respondent's conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1)-(4); and Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 8.4(a)- (c). Costs were assessed in the amount of $251.40.

NOTE: Respondent has been suspended from the practice of law in Michigan continuously since December 16, 1993.

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