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NOTICE OF REDUCED SUSPENSION Case No. 90-167-MZ Leodis Elliott, P-31365, Detroit, Michigan, by the Attorney Discipline Board reducing Tri-County Hearing Panel #30's Order of Suspension for 180 days.

1) Suspension - 100 days; 2) Effective December 28, 1993. Respondent was placed on probation for two years (by consent), effective August 7, 1991. The panel found that respondent failed to comply with the order of probation and ordered that respondent be suspended from the practice of law for 180 days.

Respondent filed a petition for review and request for stay of discipline. His request for stay was denied by the Attorney Discipline Board, and the suspension was deemed to be effective December 28, 1993. The Board subsequently issued a temporary stay of the order of suspension, and respondent was automatically reinstated to the practice of law effective April 19, 1994.

The matter was reheard by the Board on March 27, 1997. On April 1, 1997, the Board entered an order reducing the suspension to 100 days, with credit being given for the period of suspension served from December 28, 1993 to April 19, 1994.

NOTE: Respondent has been continuously suspended from the practice of law in Michigan, in unrelated matters, since June 20, 1996.

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