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NOTICE OF AUTOMATIC REINSTATEMENT ADB 224-87; 251-87; ADB 20-88; DP 108/86 Richard W. Bohan, P10950, Detroit, Michigan. Effective April 15, 1991. The respondent's license to practice law in Michigan was suspended for a period of thirty (30) days in Case No. DP 108/86 by the Attorney Discipline Board modifying a hearing panel order of reprimand effective March 1, 1988, and for a period of 119 days in Case Nos. ADB 224-87; 251-87 and ADB 20-88 by the Attorney Discipline Board modifying hearing panel orders of suspension of 182 days (see notice dated April 18, 1988) and one year (see notice dated May 12, 1988) effective May 5, 1988. (These cases were consolidated and remanded to a Master to receive evidence and make a report to the Board regarding the mitigating effect of an alleged impairment at the time of the misconduct. The Board's decision to reduce discipline was based upon the report of the Master.) In accordance with MCR 9.123(A), the suspensions were terminated with the respondent's filing of affidavits of compliance with the clerk of the Michigan Supreme Court on March 7, 1991 for DP 108/86 and on April 15, 1991 for ADB 224-87; 251-87 and ADB 20-88.

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