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Case Nos. 90-40-GA; 90-63-FA; 90-79-GA; 90-179-GA Peter G. Mekas, P17602, Ann Arbor, Michigan, by Attorney Discipline Board Tri-County Hearing Panel #59.

1) Suspension - sixteen (16) months; 2) Effective May 31, 1990. The respondent and the grievance administrator filed a stipulation for consent order of discipline pursuant to MCR 9.115(F)(5) which was approved by the hearing panel and the Attorney Grievance Commission. Respondent admitted the allegations of formal complaints 90-40-GA and 90-63-FA, and pleaded no contest to the allegations of formal complaint 90-179-GA. Formal complaint 90-79-GA was dismissed by stipulation.

Formal Complaint 90-40-GA: Respondent was suspended for a period of one year effective May 31, 1989. While suspended, respondent continued to hold himself out as an attorney, filed pleadings, appeared in court, failed to notify courts, opposing counsel and clients of his suspension, failed to pay costs assessed against him in the order of discipline, failed to file an affidavit of compliance, falsely represented to a court that he was eligible to practice law, and failed to answer three requests for investigation. Respondent's conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1-4,9); MCR 9.119(A-C); MCL 600-916; MSA 27A.916; and the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct, 1.16(a)(1); 5.5(a); 8.4(a-c).

Formal Complaint 90-63-FA: Respondent failed to answer formal complaint 90-40-GA in violation of MCR 9.104(1,2,4,7) and the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct 8.4(a-c).

Formal Complaint 90-179-GA: Respondent violated the previous order of suspension by accepting a $300.00 retainer fee following the entry of the order but prior to its effective date, and by failing to notify that client of his suspension. Respondent's conduct is found to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1-4,9); MCR 9.119 (A,D); and the Michigan Rules of Professional Conduct, 1.16(a)(1); 8.4(a-c).

The suspension in this matter is retroactive to May 31, 1990, to run consecutive to the one year suspension ordered in ADB 31-89; 42-89. Costs were assessed in the amount of $144.45.

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