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NOTICE OF SUSPENSION ADB 47-89 Mark L. Davis, P-35657, Denver, Colorado, by the Attorney Discipline Board affirming a hearing panel order of suspension.

1) Suspension - 119 days; 2) Effective October 19, 1989. The Grievance Administrator requested that an order of reciprocal discipline be entered based upon an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Colorado showing that the respondent has been suspended from the practice of Colorado for a period of one year. In the Colorado proceedings the respondent admitted the charge of accepting one-half pound of marijuana in exchange for legal services. The hearing panel concluded that a one-year suspension in Michigan would be inappropriate because it requires the respondent to petition for reinstatement, while in Colorado it does not. The panel imposed the maximum suspension which does not require reinstatement proceedings, 119 days. Respondent's reinstatement in Michigan is conditioned upon his prior reinstatement in Colorado. Costs were assessed in the amount of $173.00.

The Grievance Administrator filed a petition for review seeking an increase in the discipline imposed. No petition for review or request for stay of discipline was filed by the respondent, and the suspension became effective October 19, 1989. In an order dated March 22, 1990, the Attorney Discipline Board affirmed the hearing panel order of suspension in all respects.

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