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NOTICE OF SUSPENSION ADB 126-87 Paul Wright, P 22573, Romeo, MI by the Attorney Discipline Board increasing a one-year suspension imposed by Oakland County Hearing Panel #4.

1) Suspension - three years; 2) Effective December 30, 1988. Upon consideration of petitions for review filed by the respondent and the Grievance Administrator, the Attorney Discipline Board affirmed a hearing panel's finding that the respondent misappropriated the sum of $11,725 representing his clients share of a settlement in a personal injury case. The respondent's conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1-5) and Canons 1 and 9 of the Code of the Professional Responsibility, DR l-102(A)(3-6) and DR 9-101(B) (1-4).

The hearing panel reported the respondent's prior unblemished record but cited no other mitigating factors By a majority, the Board increased discipline to a suspension of three years, citing prior Board decisions involving the wrongful use of client's funds. Two members would have increased discipline to a license revocation. The respondent's application or leave to appeal was denied by the Supreme Court in an order dated April 25, 198 Costs in this matter were assessed in the amount of $863.32.

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