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NOTICE OF SUSPENSION ADB 142-88; 162-88 Jesse R. Odom, P-18415, Detroit, Michigan by Attorney Discipline Board Wayne County Hearing Panel #23.

1) Suspension - 30 days; 2) Effective September 27, 1988. The respondent's default for failure to answer the formal complaint was deemed by the panel to constitute an admission to the allegations in the complaints that respondent failed to take appropriate action in a divorce case, failed to keep his client adequately informed, failed to return any portion of the retainer which was paid and sent a letter to his client which was false. The panel further found that the respondent failed to answer a formal complaint. His conduct was found to be in violation of MCR 9.104(1-4) and Canons 1, 6 and 7 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, DR 1-102(A)(1, 5, 6); DR 6-101(A)(3) and DR 7-101(A)(1-3).

During the proceedings before the panel, the respondent failed to appear at a scheduled hearing on August 26, 1988. When contacted, he alleged that he was unable to attend as the result of illness. The panel granted the Grievance Administrator's motion under MCR 9.115(H) that an interim order of suspension be entered. That interim order became effective August 29, 1988 and remained in effect until September 27, 1988. On that date, the respondent appeared before the panel for further proceedings. The panel concluded that the misconduct established warranted a suspension of respondent#s license for thirty days to be served consecutive to the interim suspension and that such thirty-day suspension be deemed effective September 27, 1988. Costs were assessed in the amount $328.57.

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