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Qlarles C. lfhmt, -* Renxla A. Gmen H8nley H* (lawin Robert S* Harrisan CklesaaKaer


- SUllL I260 333 w. CORl STRCLT

OCTROIT. MICHIOAN 48228 rcLrPnomc: (313) eer -rssr

F i l e No. DP 87/84 B r u c e 8. Kcidan, P 15794, 29200 Southfield Road, S u i t e 211, S o u t h f i e l d , HI 48076, by the A t t o r n e y D i s c i p l i n e Board increasing d i s c i p l i n e imposed by the Hearing Panel.

( 1 Suspension; (2 ) For a Per iod of Three Years and One Day; (3) Ef fec t ive March 24, 1986. Respondent entered in to a plea of nolo contendere before a Hearing Panel to charges of: taking approximately $61,000 from a

probate e s t a te and f i l i n g f a l s e and f raudulent accountings wi th the Probate Court i n two es ta tes . Responden t presented mi t igat ing evidence i n support of h i s p e t i t i o n f o r probation; the Pane l denied p r o b a t i o n and imposed a suspens ion of e i g h t e e n months. On review, the Attorney Disc ipl ine Board affirmed the Hear ing Pane l f i n d i n g t h a t Respondent was n o t e l i g i b l e f o r probation under the provisions of HCR 9.121 ; however, the Board found tha t the mi t iga t ion evidence was re levan t to the period of suspension to be imposed. Costs were assessed i n the amount of


$"A?-&- ohn F. X. Dwaihy

Executive Director & General Counsel


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