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John Pa VanBolt atcunvr OmCCTOa I


Pi l e No. DP 104184 Thcmr A. tiickelr, P 27008, 150 E. Chisholm, P. 0. Box 245, Alpena, HI 49707, by the Hichigan Supreme Court modifying a Rear ing Panel Order of Revocation. ( a n I n t e r i m Not ice of Revocation was irrued October 25, 1985).

(1 (2 ) (3)

Suspenr ion; For a Period of Three Yearr; Effective October 18, 1985. I

The Attorney Dircipline Board affirmed the Hearing Panel findings. The Respondent, on behalf of a c l i e n t , entered into a c i v i l settlement agreement whereby opporing par t i e r endorsed

insurance checka to Respondent i n conrideration of Respondent'r agreement to isrue returq checkr to counrel fo r ra id opposing par t i e r . Thereafter, ~eapondentr topped payment on the two checkr he isrued to opposing counsel and withdrew insurance settlement proceed6 f r o r h i r escrow account i n the amount of $70,188.00 and d e l i v e r e d r a i d fundr t o h i r c l i e n t who war residing out of the rtate. Neither Respondent'r atop payment order nor h i r diverr ion of fundr to his c l i e n t were done with the knowledge o r c o n r e n t of any of the o t h e r p a r t i e r o r t h e i r at torneyr. The Panel fouad .,violationr of Canonr 1 and 7 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, to w i t : DR 1-102(~)(4 -6) and DR 7-102(~)(7). The Bearing Panel noted pr ior d i sc ip l ine of

two reprirandr i n 1980 and 1982 and a surpenriaa of 120 day8 e f fec t ive October 18, 1985.

w John P. X. Dwaihy Executive ~ i r e c t - o r6 General Counsel

APR 0 1 I986 Da ted :

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.