
Decision Information

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b - htridc J. Keating, Chairman Martin M. Doctaroff, Vie-Chairrrran Charles C. virrcent, Secretary Rexm A. Green Hanley M. Curwin Robert S. Harrison Odcssa Kaner



-- - . b.

twrIcu OF SOSPmlSIoa (By Consent)


SUITE I 2 6 0 333 W. fORT STRECT OETROIT. MICHIGAN 48226 TELCPHONC: (~ I~0) 63-5553

F i le No. DP 15/84; DP 198184 Byron 0. Kaxlmoa, P 24420, P. 0 . Box 184, Utica , HI 48087, Wayne County Hearing Panel 522 of the Attorney Discipline Board.

(1) Suspension; (2) For a Period of Four (4) Years; (3) Effective April 10, 1985 (pursuant to Retroactive Order based upon s t ipu la t ioq of the par t ies ) .

Respondent, through~eounsel,e ntered into a St ipula t ion to a Consent Order of Suspension based G o n a Formal Complaint charging misappropriation of c l i e n t funds, f a i l u re t o honor a subs ti t u t ion of counsel, represen ta t ion to c l i ent s regarding

the s t a t u s of pending 1 a t i o n , f a i l u r e t o pay s e t t l e m e n t proceeds to c l i en t s , f e to communicate with c l i e n t s , issuance of. t r u s t account c$ccks to c l i e n t s which were dishonored

due to insuf f ic ien t funds, k i l u r e to timely answer the Grievance Administrator' 8 regues t for'3nves tig a tion. The Complaint a l leged violat ions of GCR 953(1-4)(7:), GCR 962.2(b) and Canons 1, 2, 6 , 7 & 9 of the Code of P ro fe~ba iona lR e s p o n s i b i l i t y , t o w i t : DR 1 - l ( ~ ) ( l ) ( - 6 , DR 2 - 1 & ( ~ ) ( 2 ) ( 4 ) , DR 6 -101(~) (2) (3) , DR 7 - l O l ( a ) ( l - 3 DR 7-102(~)(5), DR 9 -102(~)( 3)(4). The Stipulation and Order of Suspension includes a requirement of r e s t i t u t i on to c l i e n t s and cost8 i n the amount of $725.86.



Executive Director & -General Counsel

Dated :

cierr ts

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.