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This i s t o inform the Courts o f the State o f Hlchigan o f the f o l low1n g Order of D ls c ip l ine: NOTICE OF REPRIWND

SHELDON HALPERN, (P14560). 51 5 Hunro Street, Detroi t , M I 48226, by order o f the Attorney D ls c ip l ine Board approving reprimand by consent.

(1) Reprimand; ,


Effect ive June 23, 1961.

Respondent a<lnittrd t o 8 f a i l u r e t o answer a Request f o r Invest igat ion f i l e d wi th the Grievance Administrator I n v lo la t lon of GCR 953(7). Respondent was assessed costs i n the amount $668 Incurred by the Attorney Grievance Conalsslon I n the invest lgr t lon and pmsecution o f the matter.

Davld Baker Lcwls, Secretary AllORNEY DISC IP L INE BOARD

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.