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mOAn0 YLY.CIS . C I t O C l l C l G. mULSSLI. J I . JOMM L. COTS. clurrrcnum

YSOn. CLCYLNT M. It l* M V I D .*mcn LLWIS. S t C l t l U ~ C I A M I J. .(COCVtTT. 00. WILLUY G. I U Y O * , LIMY M. SMCClC1 VICE-CMAIOCIlSOW


This i s t o inform the Courts of the State o f Michigan o f the fo l lowing Order o f Disc ip l ine: . NOTICE OF REPRIMAND F i l e DP-109/80 Related: 37256

BERNARD ADAMS, Jr. (P10033), 2344 Edison Plaza Building, Detro i t . M I 48226:b~ Attorney Disc ip l ine Board Wa-y ne Clrc-u.l-t Hearing-panel 'P", e f fec t i ve August 26, 1980. Respondent was charged w i th neglect o f a c i v i l matter. t o w i t : f a i l u r e to f i l e a Complaint f o r damages t o rea l property, despite receipt o f a retainer, and w i th f a i l u r e and/or refusal to comnunicate w i t h the c l i e n t concerning the status o f sa id matter. The Complaint al leged v io la t ions o f GCR 953(1) (2) and ( I ) , Canon 1. OR 1-102(A) (5) (6) and Canon 6, DR 6-101(A) (3) o f the Code o f Professional Responslbil i ty.

The Hearing Panel concluded that Respondent had neglected the matter as charged, but found only a v io la t i on o f Canon 6 o f the Code o f Professional Responsibi 1i t y.

September 15, 1980.

David Baker Lewis, Secretary ATTORNEY DISCIPLINE WARD

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.