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B OARD MEMBERS F R E D E R I C K G . B U E S S E R . J R . J O H N L. COT^. C H A I R P E R S O N M S G R . CLEMENT H . K E R N D A V I D B A K E R LEWIS. S E C R E T A R Y F R A N K J . M C D E V I T T , D . 0 . W I L L I A M G. R E A M O N L Y N N H. S H E C T E R . VICE-CHAI R P E R S O N

S U I T E 1 2 6 0 3 3 3 W. F O R T S T R E E T D E T R O I T . MICHIGAN 4 8 2 2 6

T E L E P H O N E : 1 3 1 3 ) 9 6 3 - 5 5 5 3

This is to inform the Courts of the State of Michigan of the following final Order of Discipline:

ORDER OF DISBARMENT f - ~ q < / - j


ROBERT A. MCWHORTER (PI 7563), 301 McNai r Bui 1 ding, Kal amazoo, Michigan 49006, by Hearing Panel #1 of the Sixth Congressioanl District. Disbarment effective June 28, 1979 pursuant to an Order of the Attorney Discipline Board denying Respondent's Motion for Stay of Discipline. Respondent was charged with a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility as a result of his guilty plea and con- viction for a felony punishable by five years imprisonment, to wit: the unlawful aiding and abetting of the manufacture of Methamphetamine, a controlled substance in violation of the United States Criminal Code which constitutes misconduct in violation of GCR 953 (1-5), GCR 969 and the Code of Professional Responsibility, Canon I, DR 1-102 (A) (1) (3) (4) (5) (6). Count I1 of the Formal Complaint alleged a violation of GCR 953 (7) and GCR 962 for failure to respond to the Grievance Administrator's Request for Investigation. The Hearing Panel found that the Grievance Administrator had established the allegations in the Complaint and that Respondent had violated each of the aforementioned disciplinary rules and standards. ATTORNEY DISCIPLINE BOARD


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