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(Pending Motion for Reconsideration)


Case No. 23-38-RD


Notice Issued: August 31, 2023


Nejla K. Lane, P 68737, Chicago, Illinois, by the Attorney Discipline Board


Suspension - Six Months, Effective August 4, 2023


The Grievance Administrator filed a notice of filing of reciprocal discipline pursuant to MCR 9.120(C) that attached a certified copy of an order issued by the Illinois Supreme Court on January 17, 2023, in a matter titled In re Nejla Lane, Case No. M.R. 031402, that suspended respondent from the practice of law in Illinois for nine months, with the suspension stayed after six months by a six-month period of probation, subject to conditions, effective February 7, 2023.  In the notice, the Grievance Administrator requested that the Board impose a six‑month suspension, which he represented would be comparable discipline in Michigan. The Administrator did not believe that the conditions ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court order were necessary.


An order regarding imposition of reciprocal discipline was issued by the Board on May 11, 2023, ordering the parties to, within 21 days from service of the order, inform the Board in writing (i) of any objection to the imposition of comparable discipline in Michigan based on the grounds set forth in MCR 9.120(C)(1) and (ii) whether a hearing was requested.  The 21-day period set forth in the Boards order expired without objection or request for hearing by either party.


On July 6, 2023, the Attorney Discipline Board ordered that respondent be suspended from the practice of law in Michigan for six months, effective August 4, 2023.  Respondent filed a timely motion for reconsideration, which is currently pending before the Board.


Costs were assessed in the amount of $1,527.05.

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