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Case No. 24-8-RD


Notice Issued: April 3, 2024


Omar Fahmi Shaaban, P 80425, Toledo, Ohio by the Attorney Discipline Board


Suspension - One Year, Effective April 3, 2024


In a reciprocal discipline proceeding filed pursuant to MCR 9.120(C), the Grievance Administrator filed a certified copy of an order from the Supreme Court of Ohio suspending respondents license to practice law in Ohio for two years, with one year stayed with conditions, effective October 11, 2023, in a matter titled Disciplinary Counsel v Omar Fahmi Shaaban, Case No. 2023-0179.


An order regarding imposition of reciprocal discipline was issued by the Board and served on the parties on January 24, 2024.  The 21‑day period referenced in MCR 9.120(C)(2)(b) expired without objection or a request for hearing by either party.  As a result, respondent was deemed to be in default with the same effect as a default in a civil action, pursuant to MCR 9.120(C)(6).


On March 5, 2024, the Attorney Discipline Board ordered that respondents license to practice law in Michigan be suspended for one year.  A stayed suspension is not included as a type of discipline available in Michigan under MCR 9.106, and the conditions ordered by the Ohio Supreme Court were deemed unnecessary in Michigan.  Costs were assessed in the amount of $1,511.41.

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