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STATE OF MICHIGAN Attorney Discipline Board


GRIEVANCE ADMINISTRATOR, Attorney Grievance Commission,

Petitioner/Appellant, v S. GARRETT BECK, P 27668, Respondent/Appellee. /

Case No. 18-133-RD; 18-134-GA

ORDER DENYING RESPONDENT’S MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION Issued by the Attorney Discipline Board 333 West Fort St., Ste. 1700, Detroit, MI 48226

Respondent, S. Garrett Beck, filed a motion seeking reconsideration of the Attorney Discipline Board’s June 2, 2021 Order Vacating Order of Dismissal, Reversing Order Granting Respondent’s Motion for Relief, and Remanding to Hearing Panel for Hearing on Misconduct. The Board has considered respondent’s motion and reply, together with the response filed by the Grievance Administrator, and is otherwise fully advised;

NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that respondent’s motion for reconsideration is DENIED for the reason that respondent has failed to demonstrate a palpable error by which the Board has been misled or to otherwise demonstrate that the June 2, 2021 decision of the Board was entered erroneously.


Dated: September 8, 2021


Jonathan E. Lauderbach, Chairperson

Board Members Jonathan E. Lauderbach, Michael B. Rizik, Jr., Barbara Williams Forney, Karen O'Donoghue, Linda S. Hotchkiss, M.D., Michael S. Hohauser, Peter A. Smit, and Linda M. Orlans concur in this decision.

Board Member Alan Gershel was recused and did not participate.

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