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Attorney Discipline Board

GRIEVANCE ADMINISTRATOR, Attorney Grievance Commission,



Case No. 21-69-RD

LEILA L. HALE, P 79801, Respondent. /


Issued by the Attorney Discipline Board 333 W. Fort St., Ste. 1700, Detroit, MI 48226

This matter is before the Attorney Discipline Board upon the filing of a Filing of Reciprocal Discipline pursuant to MCR 9.120(C) by the Grievance Administrator that attached a certified copy of a Public Reprimand entered by the State of Nevada on January 28, 2000, State Bar of Nevada v Leila Hale, Esq., Case Nos. OBC 17-0374; 17-0553; and a certified copy of a Final Judgment and Order of Reciprocal Discipline entered by the State of Arizona on July 20, 2021, In the Matter of a Member of the State Bar of Arizona, Leila L. Hale, Bar No. 03312, Case No. PDJ 2021-9041, reprimanding respondent. Under MCR 9.120(C)(1), misconduct is conclusively established and comparable discipline shall be imposed in Michigan unless it is established that respondent was not afforded due process of law in the course of the original proceeding or that the imposition of comparable discipline in Michigan would be clearly inappropriate. In the notice, the Grievance Administrator indicated that he had no objection to the imposition of the comparable discipline of a reprimand.

Pursuant to MCR 9.120(C)(2), an Order Regarding Imposition of Reciprocal Discipline was issued by the Board and served on respondent on October 22, 2021. The order provided that the parties had 21 days from the service of the order to inform the Board in writing of any objection to the imposition of comparable discipline, based on the grounds set forth in MCR 9.120(C)(1), and whether a hearing was requested. The noted time period expired without objection by either party. As a result, respondent is deemed to be in default with the same effect as a default in a civil action, pursuant to MCR 9.120(C)(6) and the Board shall impose comparable discipline.

NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that respondent, Leila L. Hale, is hereby REPRIMANDED, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 22, 2021.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that respondent shall, on or before December 22, 2021, pay costs in the amount of $750.00. Please refer to the attached cost payment instruction sheet for method and forms of payment accepted. ATTORNEY DISCIPLINE BOARD

Dated: November 30, 2021


_____________________________ Michael B. Rizik, Jr., Chairperson

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