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HENRY RALPH LANE A Member of the State Bar of Michigan, Petitioner. 34733-A

Decided: October 25, 1979 OPINION On remand, the Attorney Discipline Board has considered the merits of Petitioner’s Delayed Motion for Review. Having considered the matter on its merits, the Board finds that the Delayed Motion for Review has merit, and Petitioner's Motion for Review is granted. The Attorney Discipline Board sustains the findings of fact of the Hearing Panel.

The Board does hereby amend the discipline of the Hearing Panel and hereby orders that the length of Petitioner's suspension be reduced to a period of time ending on October 25, 1979, the date of this hearing.

The Board further calls to the Petitioner's attention the requirements of GCR 1963, 972 and 973 pertaining to the procedural steps with which Mr. Lane must comply in order to be reinstated as a practicing attorney-at-law. The Order will take immediate effect.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.