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STATE OF MICHIGAN Attorney Discipline Board

In the Matter of an Inactive Michigan Attorney /


Case No. 21-82-MZ


Issued by the Attorney Discipline Board 333 W. Fort St., Ste. 1700, Detroit, MI

On September 30, 2021, the State Bar of Michigan referred to the Attorney Discipline Board a Request to Change to Active Status submitted by an inactive Michigan attorney, who was administratively suspended for non-payment of bar dues, effective February 12, 2020. Pursuant to Rule 3(B)(1)(a)-(c) this matter was referred to the Board based on the inactive attorney’s disclosure of a private reprimand in another jurisdiction. The Board has received and reviewed the above-referenced disciplinary order, confirmed the inactive attorney’s full compliance with the order, and received and reviewed the inactive attorney’s current certificate of good standing from the relevant jurisdiction.

The Board has considered the request to change to active status; and is otherwise fully advised;

NOW THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the inactive Michigan attorney’s request to change the inactive attorney’s status with the State Bar of Michigan from inactive status to active status is APPROVED.



Michael B. Rizik, Jr., Chairperson

Dated: November 23, 2021

Board members Michael B. Rizik, Jr., Linda Hotchkiss, MD, Rev. Dr. Louis J. Prues, Karen D. O'Donoghue, Michael S. Hohauser, Peter A. Smit, Linda M. Orlans, Alan Gershel, and Jason M. Turkish concur in this decision.

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